Hearing Aids

Simplifying Life With a Brilliant Solution
Having the freedom to do and go wherever you like, without having the restrictions associated with hearing loss, is important to living a fulfilled life. This is our key focus when creating the new platforms for Digital Soundlink hearing aids. Our aim is to create hearing aids that automatically and effortlessly simplify your life while providing you with an exceptional hearing experience, everywhere, every time!
Explore Hearing Aid Models
How hearing better leads to living better

Behind The Ear (BTE)
In BTE hearing aids, the complete technology is contained inside a durable case that sits on the back of the outer ear. Sounds are transmitted to the user’s ear directly, via a small tube or through an ear mold. BTE hearing aids have traditionally been the largest, but also the most powerful hearing aids available.

Receiver in The Canal (RIC)
RIC hearing aids rest on the back of the outer ear, just like BTE hearing aids. The difference is that the speaker is not inside the case with the rest of the technology but inside an ear mold or dome that sits inside the ear. The case is then connected by wire to the speaker. Due to this different setup this type of hearing aid has traditionally been smaller, lighter and more discreet than a BTE.

In The Ear (ITE)
ITE hearing aids sit inside your ear. There are various sub-styles in this category, from the slightly larger but more powerful ITC (In-The-Canal) to the smaller CIC (Completely-In-Canal) or the virtually invisible IIC (Invisible-In-Canal) Hearing aids.
How Hearing
Aids Work

Modern hearing aids go far beyond amplification in their efforts to make sounds that were lost audible again. They can emphasize sounds coming from specific directions or of a specific type, cut out noise or compress frequencies to make them audible again — done automatically by the hearing aid which recognizes and adapts to the situation the wearer is in.

Choosing hearing aids for every type of hearing loss
Find the right hearing aids for you
There are a variety of modern hearing aids available, with different power levels and additional features. Different solutions are available for people with mild to moderate hearing loss and those who have a more severe loss of their hearing.
A hearing care specialist can walk you through your options and help you find the best hearing aid or solution for you. You can find a certified hearing care specialist in your area.